Air Pumps - What you need to know
When buying an air pump, you want one that is quiet, low in power usage, while continuously delivering enough air to your pond.
When buying an air pump, you want one that is quiet, low in power usage, while continuously delivering enough air to your pond.
A state of the art filtration system.
A few Sansai koi available for your collection. Older pics taken six-months ago.
When in your last newsletter you remarked about countless eggs and the many thousands of babies forthcoming, I felt a surge of melancholy
Hi, I have a few koi which have ulcer open wound sores. What medicine is available?
How important is it to have a protein skimmer? What is the impact of high levels of proteins in the water and are they harmful to the koi?
Koi available at this time
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StabHi increases the pH and combats acid buildup in fish aquaria, tanks and ponds.
The components of cost
Many skilled hands and resources add up to determine the price of the Nishikigoi as displayed in the tanks of the dealer.
The Office of the Consul of Japan in Cape Town will present the 9th Japan Day 2022 on Saturday 24th
The 2022 Japan October Harvest
The 2022 Tosai Season has begun!
It is a general misconception that potassium permanganate is dangerous to use for fish.
Koi available at this time
Over the past few months, we have found that the traditional range of anti-fluke treatments were becoming less effective.
I have an in-pond gravel filter that served me well for many years but I decided to clean the bottom from leaves after a storm.
Koi available at this time
We present here a historical document that should interest all koi keepers. This is a bonus for all locked-down koi keepers.
This article discusses the practical use of airlifts in aquaculture and garden ponds.
A neat and highly effective partnership for aquaculture and koi water recirculating systems (RAS).
Why are koi expensive? And what contributes to the price tag? Those are commonly asked questions and the answers given are often generalized and dismissive rather than educational.
Question: What is Xterm and how should I use it?